Just when life on the desktop front was beginning to settle down, along comes more confusion in the form of more choices. I am referring to the latest crop of Pentium computers that have Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus slots and what kinds of network cards you should put in them. Like many of you, I suffered mightly through the late 1980's "bus wars" between Microchannel and the Extended Industry Standard Architectures (EISA). I spent more time than I care to remember about edge-triggered interrupts, burst mode speeds, and other arcana when really all I wanted to do was find the best card for the machine and figure out which bus solved by which bottleneck on my LAN. All that has come back with a vengence it seems with PCI. To get a handle on this bus I looked at four Ethernet cards (from Accton, Cogent, Mitron, and Zynx) on two different Pentium machines: an Ambra desktop that uses a combination of PCI and ISA slots and a Dell server that mixes PCI and EISA slots. I used both machines as DOS and Windows clients, and used the Dell as a NetWare server as well. I found that all four Ethernet cards all delivered some good price-performance, and I recommend the combination of equipment for the enterprise. However, I am still left with an uneasy feeling about PCI, and I can't exactly put my finger on it. I am somewhat uncomfortable with the lack of documentation available for the cards. Still, I was able to get all four cards working in both machines without too much trouble on my NetWare network. I had to search high and low for some solid technical information about PCI, and still feel that I really don't have as much details as I'd like. However, the bus does seem to work as advertised and my tests proved that it was a faster and cleaner interface for peripherals than ISA. Maybe my lack of comfort has to do with the fact that the mainstream LAN card vendors (3Com, Intel, SMC, and Eagle) are still not delivering any PCI versions of their adapters. Maybe it was something disagreeable that I had for dinner. No matter. Let me first tell you a little about PCI. PCI had its origins about four years ago, when a group of vendors got together on a specification called the VESA local bus. The word local refers to the fact that the bus is located closer to the processor -- "closer" meaning that the data path takes less time and requires fewer interrupts to get the processor's attention. This bus was developed quickly so various high-performance graphics cards could come to market, and the result was a rash of incompatible systems and cards. Intel saw what was happening and went back to their drawing boards to come up with PCI, a more rigidly defined standard. It had several advantages such as procesor independence (while most Pentiums have PCI slots, you'll see RISC and Motorola machines sporting them sometime next year as well) and fast data transfer rates about four times that of EISA bus speeds. PCI cards have few connector pins, making them small and cheap. Ironic, isn't it: one of the "features" of an EISA card was its huge real-estate compared to other configurations. But that was 80's thinking. These days, smaller is beautiful. PCI really shines when it comes to turbocharging video, sometimes delivering very noticeable performance and redraw gains. However, this is a review of the network cards so let's stick with that side of things. The two machines that I tried had a combination of slots that will be a bit confusing to explain. In the days of yore (say pre-Pentium), you basically had one bus connector per slot. Vendors mixed different kinds of slots (32-bit and 16-bit, EISA and ISA, whatever) but the machines that I've used in the past had a single connector. No more: on the two machines that I used (and I'm told on lots of others), you have dual connectors installed on some of the slots. This means lots more flexibility, but also confusing when it comes time to buy a machine and figure out which slots are free and what kind they are. Take the Dell server for example. It has six EISA slots and two PCI slots that add up to a total of seven slots overall. This is because two of the slots are shared EISA/PCI: while you can only have a single card occupying the slot, you have a choice of either type to insert. Got that? None of the seven slots come filled with any cards when you buy the base machine. Now take the Ambra desktop. It also has seven overall slots split between five ISA slots and three PCI, so one slot is shared. My unit came with two cards: a PCI video card and an ISA multimedia card, meaning that five slots were empty. Those of you that buy alot of equipment over the phone will have to ask questions carefully before you close the sale: I suggest drawing a mental picture of how many slots and how many are actually available while you negotiate with the sales representative. So is it worth the bother? Well, yes and no. The PCI cards I tried were about as fast as my 3Com Etherlink III EISA card, both of which are about 20% faster than the better ISA Ethernet cards on the market today. However, the PCI cards cost between $150-250 (depending on manufacturer and where you buy them). This is just a little more than the range for ISA cards and a little less than most of the EISA cards: so you end up getting some solid price-performance from them when you do all the math. The downside has to do more with service, support, and long-term viability of the vendors than any mechanical or performance considerations. All four of these cards are from relatively small shops and that makes me nervous when I want to buy them in quantity for my enterprise. None of the documentation that came with any of the four cards is anything close to what comes with a 3Com or Novell/Eagle card, and most had more stuff in their README files on the disk than printed manuals in the box. This is especially disheartening considering that you are dealing with new territory and would like some guidance. No single card stood above the others in my opinion. Zynx was the only one vendor that included any extended explaination of the PCI bus, and it was more of a marketing brochure than containing any technical content. Accton [CHECK: TK] was the only vendor of the four to offer a lifetime warranty on their cards, which is probably the way I'd like to go. Mitron had two things going for it: the lowest list price among the four ($149) and a nice software installation routine that the others lacked. Cogent and Zynx offered all three Ethernet interfaces (thick, thin, and twisted pair) on their cards, while the other two offer various combinations of interfaces in different models. That's a sad state of affairs: you'd like to have the flexibility of all three interfaces on the back. And both Cogent and Zynx make a four-port card (which I didn't test) to go into servers that seem to offer lots of promise. All of the cards offered lots of drivers for various networks, including server drivers for 3.x and 4.x NetWare, NDIS drivers for various LAN Manager/LAN Server/NT networks, and packet drivers for various Unix networks. I didn't test much more than the NetWare side, and I am sure that there will be some tweaking to get your particular configuration to work. This is where solid documentation could be handy. Some other detractions: Zynx's card had a jumper to switch between thick and thin/twisted pair interfaces: set it incorrectly and you won't be able to connect to the network. This is ridiculous. Accton, Mitron and Cogent all come with firmware that automatically detects whichever interface was active, which is the way to go. Both Cogent and Mitron mention that their cards can only go in PCI slots that have bus-mastering. I tried to find how to configure both my Dell and Ambra machines for this, but couldn't find any documentation. However, the cards did work, which was fortunate. All four cards were very difficult to physically insert and required lots of elbow grease to get them in and out of the machines. One time I nearly jammed one card and it took lots of effort to remove it. My favorite bus for card insertion still is the Microchannel, which is designed from the start to require very litte force to insert and remove cards. My bottom line? PCI network cards are faster than ISA, to be sure. But before you rush out and equip your entire enterprise, make sure you read all the fine print to justify the price/performance. You might be better off sticking with an EISA card for the short-term, until the mainstream LAN card vendors enter this market segment or until the others offer lifetime warranties and better documentation. Vital Stats PCI Ethernet Cards from Accton, Cogent, Mitron, and Znyx ethernet adapters for Peripheral Component Interconnect slots Cards, cost, and availablitity: Accton's EN1203 ($249, June), Cogent's EM960C ($249, June), Mitron's LX2100p ($149, June), and Zynx's Zx312 ($249, February) Ready for the Enterprise? YES, but don't get too excited about performance gains Competitive analysis: UP: These four are just the beginning of other cards that are shipping for the new PCI bus slots on many of the latest Pentium desktop and server models. DOWN: Performance gains are only about 10-20% beyond the fastest ISA Ethernet cards. Test bed: Ambra Pentium PCI desktop running DOS and Windows and a Dell Poweredge SP560 PCI Pentium server running NetWare 3.11 and 4.x connected via Ethernet. Vendor info: Accton Technology Corporation 1962 Zanker Rd. San Jose, Calif. 95112 408 452-8900 408-452-8988 (fax) 408-452-8811 (faxback) Cogent Data Technologies, Inc. PO Box 926 Friday Harbor, Wash. 98250 800 -4-COGENT 206-378-2929 206-378-2882 (fax) internet: support@cogentdata.com Mitron Inc. 2220 S. Bascom Avenue Campbell, Calif. 95008 800-713-6888 408-371-8166 408-371-8167 Zynx Advanced Systems Division, Inc. 48501 Warm Springs Blvd #107 Fremont, Calif. 94539 510-249-0800 510-656-2460 internet: tech@znyx.com Chart Card Accton Cogent Mitron Zynx Name EN1203 EM960C LX2100p ZX312 Waranty lifetime two years two years three years [NOTE: please verify with all vendors to make sure this hasn't changed] Interfaces Coax, TP Coax, TP, AUI Coax, TP Coax, TP, AUI NOTE: Both Mitron and Cogent make TP only cards. Cogent and Zynx also make 4-port cards as well. Documentation Minimal Adequate Non-existant Minimal Installation Swre? No No Yes No
David Strom
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