Got three minutes? I produce short product review screencast videos that can help you get your message across.

Your video can also be distributed to targeted how-to and IT-related Web sites to promote your company and its products, find new audiences, and increase your market share.

Here is a sample:

Why you need me:

  • Simplify your message
  • Shorten the sales cycle and target the decision-maker
  • Impressive conversion rates for potential customers and channel partners
  • Distributed across YouTube and Vimeo channels to boost traffic
  • Professional and affordable

How the process works:

  • You provide a sample of your new product for review.
  • You will receive a complete storyboard and major points for the script (which will include strengths and weaknesses) in about two weeks.
  • You evaluate the storyboard and give input to correct factual errors in the content.
  • You receive the completed video in two weeks after we receive your comments.
  • You embed the video on your website and track visitors and engagement (See sample tracking report here.)

I am a well-respected IT journalist who has published two computer networking books and written thousands of articles for publications such as the New York Times, CSOonline, TechTarget and many others. I was the founding editor-in-chief at Network Computing magazine and and has built dozens of IT-related Web sites and produced 100 of these videos over the past decade.

To start the process, please contact:

David Strom
(314) 277-7832

------Copyright 2025 David Strom------